KJ8968 Robot Frilled Lizard

A super smart frilled lizard with artificial intelligence. It has an infrared sensor that is programmed to 'escape' or 'follow-me'. Once the infrared sensor is activated in the 'escape' the robot will automatically act shocked by spreading its frill, dropping its jaw, illuminates its bicolour LED eyes and will scamper away from you until it reaches a safe place. If the infrared sensor is switched to the 'follow-me' mode using the 2 way function switch, then the robot will assess danger by bluffing the attacker (unfurling and shaking its frill). When the robot does not sense danger it will proceed to follow you like a pet lizard.
• Interactive artificial intelligence (AI)
• Two funway modes
• Infrared sensor
• LED illuminated eyes
• Interactive artificial intelligence (AI)
• Two funway modes
• Infrared sensor
• LED illuminated eyes